Waiatarua Reserve Protection Society Inc.

Planting Program
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Tree Planting List
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Planting Program

Members of our group have been involved for many years in various planting programs in the Reserve. Although these programs have included native trees, many species planted have been initial protection plants such as rapidly growing Manuka, and there is a need for additional tree planting of diverse trees that will provide year round food for birds and insects. We are particularly keen to attract Kereru the native wood pigeons, and have been planting Puriri which are a favourite food source of the Kereru.

We have undertaken tree plantings of over 2000 trees and shrubs since 2007 specifically targeting year round food supplies for birds. Species included kowhai, nikau, miro, puriri, fuschia, tawa, rata and many others. Our thanks go to the Auckland City Council and the Auckland Regional Council Environmental Initiative Fund for providing the funding for the trees.

We would like to see a comprehensive overall planting program formulated and undertaken in Auckland parks and reserve to provide a green corridor for native birds. For instance, the Stonefields development of the nearby former Winstone’s Quarry provides an opportunity for the landscaping to include food supply plants and shrubs for birds.

We will continue the planting program in the winter of 2011. It is a daunting task looking at 500 trees that are to be planted but when 25 to 30 people turn up its normally finished in two hours. If you are interested in helping with our planting program please let us know by emailing your details to planting@inbox.waiatarua.com

Photos of our 2007 planting day including Councillor Toni Millar and helper


Pictures from our 2007 planting day and a rata from our 2008 planting day

Tree Planting Guide



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