The Reserve is in the midst of an urban environment and, as in
all cities, rats are plentiful. One of the most beneficial tasks
that we can do for the native birds is pest control. Our community
group is carrying out a volunteer pest control program with Auckland
City Council Parks to control rats and possums which decimate the
birdlife and new tree growth. As well as rats and possums eating
the eggs and plant food supply of birds they also scour the forest
floor and eat insects which are part also part of the birds supply
of food. Our thanks to the Auckland City Council for providing assistance
for this program and to the Eastern Bays Community Board for providing
funding for this program.
Pest Control program volunteers wanted
We are looking for volunteers to help with this program. Typically
volunteers spend 1 to 2 hours a month helping to:
- Check and bait traps
- Record possum and rat catches
- Monitor animal pest numbers
is a worthwhile way to contribute to the environment and our community.
No experience is needed and training and equipment is provided.
Pest control programs in other areas have had huge success. We have
been told of programs where after a year large increases in birds
have been recorded. After about a year the insect population recovers
from the rat decimation, and the birds flourish. We are inspired
by tales of flocks of 10 or more fantails in other areas where pest
control has been carried out.
If you would like further information or to take part in the program
send us your details -
save our native birds with pest control |
Pest Control Project
Objectives May 2007
The Waiatarua Reserve Protection Society is committed on a volunteer
basis to carrying out pest control in the Waiatarua Reserve with
the aim of making the Reserve an area where native birds can live
and flourish. It forms part of our vision to create an ecological
jewel within Auckland City as well as providing a recreation sanctuary
within the urban Auckland.
Our immediate aims are as follows:
- Carry out a baseline survey to determine the presence and
concentration of animal pests in the Reserve (coinciding with
a bird survey as well if possible).
- Recruit volunteers from the community to assist in pest control.
- Promote the project to the wider community with the additional
aims of encouraging residents in the neighbourhood to carry
out pest control within their properties, and keep domestic
cats in at night.
- Carry out rat and possum trapping within the reserve. Our
target for 2007 will be to reduce the rat population to 20%
and for 2008 to reduce the population to 5%.
- Report success to the group on a three monthly intervals.
- Carry out monitoring of pest on an annual basis.
Long term goals:
- Expand the pest control to other pests such as mustelids.
- Predator free fencing around the reserve.
- Investigate the possibility of live cat traps.
- Investigate the possibility of rabbit trapping to protect
young plants.