Reserve – A unique haven in the midst of the city for
people and birds.
We are a community group working towards making the Waiatarua
Reserve a unique ecological jewel for residents and for future
generations by;
- Planting native trees and shrubs to provide
year round food for birds and insects
- Carrying out a volunteer pest control program
with Auckland City Council Parks to control rats and possums
which decimate the birdlife and new tree growth.
The Reserve is a great place to come walking
the dog, running, playing with the family and we also want
to make it a place where forest and wetland birds, butterflies
and insects can live and flourish.
We welcome new members. If you would like
to contact us and / or to join in on any community plantings
or the volunteer pest control program, please email us at
Information@inbox.waiatarua.com |